Monday, October 26, 2009

We're getting married! And the oldest childs disdain....

Yes, yes, that's right, we're gonna do it! November 14th I will be adopting a new name! Its just going to be a small ceremony, with my friend Ashley, Allen's friend Daniel, Allen's mom and Ashley's fiance attending. We don't have the time nor the money to have the big wedding I always wanted with half the country invited, so we're gonna do THAT next year.
There will however, be a party afterwords. We weren't going to do that either, but way to many people have asked. Annnnnnnnnnnd, I realized this is my chance to get Allen's mom toasted! She's always wound up so tight, I would love to see her all loose and giggly....and she promised to take a shot of Tequilla with me. I am SO gonna hold her to that. LOL.

Shawn and Johnny seem to be pretty cool with it.....James on the other hand is...NOT. Every since he found out, he's been a total ass to everyone around him, and he made sure to inform me that he wants to be as far away from me as possible that day. He's been bad enough that Jimmy (the ex) made him go stay with his Grandpa for a while.

I brought up counseling again with Jimmy and that didn't go over to well. The man is still in denial. I said "Jimmy, he needs counseling, he has some major anger issues." His response?
"He doesn't need counseling, he needs his mother to have some consideration and stop 'tormenting' him about her life"


So, since Jimmy refuses to even talk about it, I'm now awaiting a call from his school counselor. I'm gonna ask him to counsel him as much as possible at the very least. AT the most....have HIM tell Jimmy that the kid needs to be seen by a professional. Keep your fingers crossed that the guy agrees with me.


  1. Well since I'm not invited, and I don't get to at least walk you down the aisle like pops are supposed to do, I at least hope to see plenty of pictures. Congratulations are definitely in order :)

  2. LOL well Pops, no one will be 'walking me down the isle' this time,lol. So don't feel bad. Next year, when we have the 'real' wedding, I think my grandpa would be a little put off if I didn't ask him to do that honor.

    You are going to be invited next year, though. I'll be in a dress and everything!
    Ever been to Arkansas?

  3. LOL well Pops, no one will be 'walking me down the isle' this time,lol. So don't feel bad. Next year, when we have the 'real' wedding, I think my grandpa would be a little put off if I didn't ask him to do that honor.

    You are going to be invited next year, though. I'll be in a dress and everything!
    Ever been to Arkansas?

  4. Congrats!
    I hope that things go smooth for you and your family.

  5. Congratulations to you too and good luck with James. He'll come around.
