Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Um... been a while

Not a whole lot been going on in my world lately. My car is down right now, the starter is out on it. So with replacement parts, and the insurance I'll have to put back on it to get the registration renewed, I'm looking at a good 300.00 to get it running and legal again. I make that much a MONTH now, so it's gonna be a while before I can afford to do that. Allen's truck is now down as well.... looks like its got a radiator leak. Or something. I'm still looking for another job to supplement the one I have now, since my boss cut my days down to 4 a month (hence the whopping 300 a month I make).

The boys are out of school for the summer now. Shawn is being held back and having to go through 6th grade again while Johnny is moving up to 7th. I hope it doesn't give him some kind of complex with his twin brother moving on and him staying behind. I was really hoping he would pull his grades up in time, but that didn't happen. The principal told me that even if he had, they still wanted to hold him back for maturity reasons. I suspect he may be ADD or ADHD. I know he's a little bit dyslexic. When I brought it up with Jimmy, his reply was that all those metal disorders don't exist, that ADD and ADHD, depression and insomnia are all just bullshit excuses for lazy people to get out of working. Sigh.

By some miracle, James did manage to pull his grades up at literally the last moment and will be going on to 9th grade next year. Personally, I think he should have been held back as well, if for no other reason than to teach him that there are consequences for his actions. Or in his case, his utter laziness when it came to his school work. But his teachers and counselors don't think it would be beneficial to hold him back at all..... so he's moving on up. High School.... wow, I feel fucking OLD now. He's still playing the “I'm pissed coz you left me” card and treating everyone like shit, acting like he's some little billy bad ass who don't give a shit about anyone but himself. I love the boy to pieces, but sometimes he makes it very hard to like him.

They are fixing to come stay with us for a week, I really hope James decides to be nice, lol. Otherwise, he's going to be very bored sitting in his room doing nothing but staring at the walls.

Lets see.... what other news about them? Oh! In the last few months , Shawn has had to be taken to the ER twice for stitches. The first time, he fell off the porch and punctured his ear on a piece of broken plastic and had to get 2 stitches....The second time, he was hit in the face with a can of applesauce and got this....Photobucket

       Don't ask how, thats not important. What is is that they decided to hide it from Jimmy thinking they would get into trouble, and Shawn covered it up with a sock hat. (Jimmy had gone to the store when it happened) So he comes home after only being gone about 15 minutes, and all three of the boys are sitting on the couch folding laundry. They didn't say anything to me when I called an hour later, and Jimmy didn't find out till about 3 hours after it happened. He had sent them to bed and noticed Shawn kept the sock hat on and made him take it off..... needless to say, they were in the ER till about 4am since he didn't find out about it till around 10pm.

Silly ass kids.


  1. I know how you feel when you said you felt "fucking old" !!!
    My son, the middle child & my only son, graduated high school & starts college in August !!!

  2. love you hun wish i could help hope you have a good visit with the boys- and hope you find some work to cover you, big hugr to you all love you juliex
