Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Maybe our luck has finally changed......

     Yes,that's right, both Allen and I finally found jobs. Me....gas station clerk, and let me tell y'all.... its killing me. I can't remember a time in my life that my feet HURT SO BAD.....and I mean ALL the time! I am currently enjoying the 1st day off I've had in like 8 days. We went down today and had a wonderful visit with Allen's uncle/chiropractor. I haven't felt this relaxed in a while, even with all the sore muscles. As far as work goes, I'll be glad when I can afford to buy some good shoes.... maybe my footsies won't be so tortured. Other than that , its not bad, even though I have an ASS load of work to get done by the end of my shift. And seeing as I work alone, and the place I work is extraordinarily busy for a semi-small town, that's no small feat.
      Allen's working security. They've got him guarding parking lots and checking trucks in at the local Tyson plant. He's having so much fun working there! *please note sarcasm* He'd actually have to tell ya more about it, since I hardly ever see him now.
I'm a closer at work, so I don't get off work till a lil after midnight, don't get home till almost 1.... Allen works 1st shift, which is 12am-8am. So yeah, he leaves for work before I even get off. The next day is spent sleeping before we do it all again. I hate it! :(
For the last two years, I've been able to see him anytime I wanted.... now, I'm lucky if I get a couple hours a day. 
Today we've spent more time together than we have in the last 2 weeks combined.

Real life sucks!

I want my fantasy back!

With pay dammit!


  1. Good to hear you're both working and I hope things get better, Amy.

    Say hello for me.


  2. Got your hello and saying it right back but I wont give ya a kiss lol How about a man hug rofl
