Monday, October 5, 2009


SO I had Shawn and Johnny this weekend....James didn't wanna come... AGAIN. No surprise there, he hasn't wanted to come the last few times, and I refuse to force him. Last time his dad made him come, he ended up coming up and getting him again coz the little butt tried to start a fight with Allen while I was at work. Long story....don't ask.
Anyways, I digress.

I had the boys this weekend, and Shawn had brought his Nerf gun and asked me to take him to Walmart to get some more 'ammo' for it. So we're there, walking down the isles, checking stuff out. I see some of those goofy hats for kids, you know, fireman, policeman, cowboy. Cheap little felt jobs meant for a 5yr old. I pick up the policeman's hat and slap it on Shawn's head playin around and him, being the clown he is..... throws me this.....
IMG_0031.jpg picture by Amylynn29
We laugh and I put another one on him and he does this......
IMG_0033.jpg picture by Amylynn29
O.M.G. I laughed so hard I teared up.....

Meanwhile, Johnny is a little further down the isle doin his own thing, so in an effort to include him, I call him over and slap a hat on his head and he gives me this......
IMG_0035.jpg picture by Amylynn29 serious. He told me we were acting stupid, took the hat off and went back to doin his thing. LOL!
After we got home I spent the rest of the afternoon mowing our back lawn. It had been about 4 months since the last time it was mowed. We usually get it with the riding mower....but our neighbor borrowed it a while back and it came back ALL frakked up. So up till Saturday, we kept putting off getting the push mower after it...... BIG MISTAKE.
The grass was knee high and as thick as unkempt  beaver hair. LOL!
It took about 6.5 HOURS to mow it hands hurt and I have a blister, lol. And that was with me, Karen and Johnny taking turns mowing. (Allen was asleep since he had worked from 7am-7pm the night/morning before)

Never again will I let it get that bad.


BTW....we celebrated out 2 year anniversary on Oct. 1st and all these pics were taken on my gift.... he bought me an IPhone. LOL Not the fancy smancy brand new one...I got a refurbished one, which is just fine with me coz I think it's awesome! I didn't think I would like it, coz I believe its just too much phone for most people, but really, even with that, I love it.
I downloaded a Pacman app on it last night, and that mother frakker (btw...Frak is my new substitute for the F word) pisses me off coz I can't get past level 1 , but I like it too. LOL
I have over 700 songs on this biatch....I've listened to maybe......4? LMAO!

Ah well, they're there when I'm ready for em, right?


  1. god that pic was taken at 1am in the morning...I look like crap!

  2. Aw your kids are cute ... love the 'attitude' :)

    Yayy for your iPhone ... what an awesome gift!!

  3. LOL no you do not babe! You always look good....unless I SAY you look bad!

  4. Yeah, Shawn is a goof and I love it, even though it gets him in trouble in school sometimes >_<

    Johnny is more subdued, but he can cut up every now and then....just gotta time it right I guess.

  5. I wish we could just extend their younger years and delete the teen years.
